stranger things

Well, it’s the middle of summer, so what do I choose to share but an experience from last Christmas, which may seem a little bonkers but in my defence there’ll be another one soon, well, perhaps not that soon, but then it depends on when you’re reading this. Anyway, here it is.

Stranger things happen around Christmas, don’t you find? Maybe it’s the tinsel or the long dark nights, or the eggnog, yuk. Strange things seem to happen to me anyway, they keep finding me when least expected, perhaps I’m a magnet for them.

Janine, a friend and work colleague, suggested we take advantage of her parent’s static caravan just down the coast a shortish car drive away. Her parents wouldn’t be using it so it would be just us, and it is close to towns for Christmas shopping. How could I refuse?

Arrived Friday evening which we spent, just us two relaxing and enjoying the change of pace. Come Saturday we indulged in some serious retail therapy and were back at the caravan for early evening, which was when the strange began with a knock at the door.

We weren’t expecting anyone, or so we thought. Janine answered to find a couple of the biker guys we’d then recalled meeting earlier in a cafe while shopping, and after admiring their most impressive motorbikes and discovering they too were staying at the same caravan site as us, Janine flippantly invited them over for a drink later. Now it was later and it seems they took us at our word, we’d even forgot mentioning it. They were part of a pre-Christmas weekend rally along the coast stopping here and there, and tonight they were here.

What else could we do but invite them in, they seemed and were friendly enough.

They looked somewhat out of scale in the caravan, both quite tall and well-built. Drinks were shared socialising on the caravan’s relatively spacious sofa. Ben, of the beard, or what I called him because of, yes, his beard, was I guessed late thirties, while Adrian the bald, because, and yes you guessed again, he was bald, was around late-twenties. I didn’t call him that to his face, by the way.

After twenty minutes or so another knock, two more arrived guys. Tom, short, tubby, solid, maybe mid-thirties, and Simon, bald like Adrian. It was Simon that very soon Janine would leave with with the excuse of seeing their caravan which left me with the other three. Incidentally, she didn’t return until the next morning.

Out of the blue Janine got up, donned her jacket and said she’d be back soon, and off she went with Simon, as I mentioned she would. She blew me a kiss and was gone before I could say anything leaving me here to ‘entertain’ Tom, Adrian and Ben. After an awkward gap in time I’d acclimatised to the new shape of this unusual evening I was once again relaxed. They were indeed convivial company and as the hours drifted we all felt like we’d known each other ages.

I found myself sat between Ben and Tom, and here comes the strange. I got up to change the music. Ben followed and stood inches from me. He took my hand and twirled me with the music. All 6 foot and an inch or so of him loomed before me. It all started to feel a little flirtatious, which I confess I may have also happily gone along with. The drink had removed any self-consciousness in me. Tom and Adrian watched.

I’d discarded my cardigan leaving me in my jeans and a white half-button necked top, it was very warm in here now feeling suddenly, such was the heat that we all now generated. Ben had stopped dancing while I carried on, in effect, performing for them.

I didn’t stop.

Ben was behind me again, this time with his hands on my hips. They slithered up and down the sides, from my hips, over my waist, under my arms. Perhaps alarm bells should have been ringing for me but if they were I didn’t hear them.

The waistband of my jeans felt loose; had I lost weight all of a sudden? Without even noticing he’d undone the top button. Before I could refasten he raised my arms over my head while his hands continued to play around my waist as my shirt lifted with it. Tom and Adrian watched.

A weird sense of freedom flowed through me, and then his hands were under my shirt and pressing against my warm skin, strong hands, I thought. Adrian joined in standing in front. For a few minutes I’d become a biker-sandwich, they were both head and shoulders over me at five foot three.

My shirt was being raised by stealthy hands, though whose I wasn’t sure and off it came along my raised arms. All I had underneath was a black bra. I thought, right, let’s see you like it, and proceeded to do thee same to Ben, removing his shirt to reveal a pale, well-toned torso. I shocked myself once I’d done it, what was I thinking.

Ben’s held my naked waist, Adrian held onto my still denim-clad hips from behind. The space seemed to have shrunk even more, if that was possible.

I could smell heat, an infiltration of pheromones, no doubt, conspiring nefarious deeds. Adrian’s hands played over my bra with encouraging squeezes. I did nothing to stop him even though I could’ve, my body was responding without my mind getting in the way. I’d felt myself shudder despite the temperature in here. Ben, without an invitation to do so, unzipped my jeans, they slackened from my hips. I did nothing to stop this either. It felt like I was on a rollercoaster, once you board there’s no getting off until the very end.

Ben’s fingers fondled waistband of my lace-edged knickers, distracting me from Adrian having now slipped a hand inside my bra; he pinched a nipple. It made me jump, then continued rolling it between his fingers. My nipples and I were now very aroused, a bit embarrassed, a lot befuddled. I knew full well where all this strangeness could well lead, but at the time my brain wasn’t being very responsible. Instead, I just went with it.

I found myself being lead backwards past the kitchen space, down the short confined corridor, Ben in front, Adrian behind. There was only one room down here, the bedroom.

The backs of my legs bumped the edge of the bed, Adrian moved to one side. Ben took another step and I tumbled backwards onto the bed with my legs hanging over the side. With not so much a sleight of hand, Ben grabbed my unfastened jeans and dragged them down my legs, thankfully not taking my knickers with them. They were gone, quick as a blink. They both stared down at me, I stared up at them. Tom appeared then, “oh yeh!”, was all I recalled him saying.

Ben and Adrian on either side of me began freely touching me everywhere, and I mean everywhere. It felt like way more than four hands, over my bra, tummy, arms, legs, my knickers, skimming over my mound.

Someone moaned softly. It seemed to be me.

I heard myself do it again though less softly, when one of them slid a hand inside my knickers. Again, I heard, “oh yeh!”, andthen “oh fuck, yeh!”. No idea who it was by then.

All discourse had been reduced to the monosyllabic when Ben, or was it Adrian, or was it Tom, began fingering and circling my clit through my black knickers. An orgasm threatened to unleash itself inside me. I wasn’t powerless, but I was obviously compliant, pliant too.

I was one lost girl right now.

Ben, or was it Adrian, or was it Tom, pulled at my knickers then yank them off, no ceremony. Like a magician pulls a tablecloth from a table leaving all the crockery intact. On this ‘table’ though I was clearly the main course, in fact all three courses as I was in time to find out. Only my bra protected what was left of any modesty, their gazes focused on my smooth, bare thighs. A finger, no, two, inside me, fingering, finger-fucking me, vigorously. Now I knew my orgasm was imminent. I shook all over, clamped shut my legs with a hand trapped there still and finger in me, until my legs eased themselves apart.

I didn’t resist.

I felt a change between my thighs, no longer fingers but the head of Ben’s ripe and ready, foreskin stretched cock was touching my pink flushed folds. He adjusted himself until his condomless erection was where he wanted it. No going back. In he went, stretching me, my back arched at the effort, I was tight, he pushed and pushed and slipped inside inch by thickening, veiny inch.

Adrian held my arms over my head.

He was deep inside me when his motions became smoother. I’d been holding my breath til this point, almost passing out. I inhaled just as he got into his stride well and truly fucking me, in front of his friends none of whom seemed bothered in the slightest. Adrian’s tentacle fingers were everywhere that Ben’s weren’t. He raised my knees and in he went further, or so it felt and harder.

No stopping now, no stopping Ben who was already changing up gear, fucked me even more insanely, hips slamming into mine, grunting, hard, deliberate. I shook with every thrust, as probably did the entire caravan. Sweating seeped across me in beads, he watched me watching him, there was absolutely no subtlety in the way he fucked, but it was inexplicably exhilarating. I felt he was about to cum, a change in pace and grip, and then he did, in one, two, three, each last thrust emptying more into me of his warm, sticky cum forcing some to trickle. A few more thrusts for luck then he collapsed on me, eventually pulling out.

He was done, clearly, for now anyway, whereas Adrian and Tom had only just started.

Dazed, I felt a strange kind of giggle in he back of my throat at the craziness of it all. I stared transfixed at Adrian undoing his jeans, pulling them down and climbing onto me, onto me and into me just as Ben had, between my legs. I had just enough time to peek at his, what I can only describe as, extreme banana-shaped appendage. His hand brushed the inside of my sweating thighs guiding his cock until he found his mark; in he went, sliding easily into me. For a moment he rested just with the tip inside, looked down at me, smiled, then with his hips sending it deeper into my already semen-filled sex. I think some more cum seeped out. He went as deep as he could before pulling back to fuck me proper.

He did.

His motions were more like being scooped inside, but in the horniest possible way, it only took another minute at best before yet another orgasm shook me to my core, he continued relentlessly fucking me. After I’d regained some composure he slowed to long, deep sweeps touching parts of me inside others hadn’t before, or so it felt. I was light-headed, burning hot, soon he’d upped his pace, my knees again raised; I gripped his sides.

He was no shrinking violet when it came to vocalising his efforts. It felt like my legs had never been so wide before. His fingers dug into my hips, like Ben, his brakes had also failed despite his attempts to edge He lost, or won, depending on your point of view, and once more that night I felt another man shoot his load into me. He grabbed my breasts as he did, my nipples so aroused now, my thighs tightened around him as he did so, pulsing every drop into me.

I felt on the edge of collapse, of unreality. My eyes were watering with the effort staring at a blurred ceiling. Hands grabbed my hips again, new hands, spread my legs which I’d closed after the last. Tom and his sturdy tummy loomed over me, pinned me to the bed and poked his erection in a hit-and- miss fashion into my now tender, cum-dripping cunt now filled with two men’s cum. He wasn’t put off.

He docked (or should that be ‘dicked’) with me successfully. Adjusting his position with one thrust after another, unrelentingly as it turned out. I could barely snatch a breath in between each over-enthusiastic thrust and fuck. If I could’ve told him to slow down I would have but I simply couldn’t get the words out, my entire body barely holding itself together. Another orgasm split from my soul unleashing itself in impermanent waves across my entire body. It was almost too painful with his cock buried so deep in me.

He wasn’t pulling out until he’d gone all the way, until he made me go all the way again, for a third time. It was slippery and sticky between my thighs. Having released my arms I just pulled him closer, it’s all I could do, my entire body was wracked with a frenzy, a fever. He plunged my depths and made me cry out. I seriously needed him to cum, so, without thinking I whispered in his ear to cum in me, to cum inside me.

Just when I thought he couldn’t get more rabid, he did.

Ben reached behind me and unhooked my bra. I’d forgot I still had it on. He unwrapped my arms from around Tom and pulled it off, leaning down and taking one of my nipples into his mouth while Tom fucked me. I didn’t know what to say, where to look, how to feel, every nerve-ending in my body was popping and fizzing buried as I felt beneath them.

I was completely naked, completely on offer.

Tom awkwardly placed both my legs on his shoulders raising my buttocks off the bed. I was emotionally spiralling with the imminent denouement to proceedings. Pinned beneath sweating Tom he eventually caved in, let go, all he had been brewing inside his balls released into me, and there was a lot, and I mean a lot. He must be one of those ‘heavy-cummers’ I’d heard about. There was a lot., so much so it was overflowing even before he’d finished.

For the last time that night I also cum, having reached down to excite my clit as he cum sending me into insatiable spasms.

I flopped with sheer exhaustion, and bewilderment. I was spent, used, well-used, luckily, so were they. The smell of sex in here was overpowering.

While I was left there to rediscover my limbs from this almost out-of-body experience, they retired to the other end of the caravan leaving me more than dishevelled, and more than fulfilled, and so much more than filled.

Ben appeared with a bottle of water and said something complimentary. I thought, once I remembered how to stand I would, when I was sure my legs would hold me. I shuffled into the bathroom having retrieved my huge baggy nightshirt which went down to my knees. Negotiating any other clothing more complicated than that was not going to happen.

Once I rejoined them on the sofa, the atmosphere was weird for a few minutes, not strained, possibly we were all thinking, did that just happen? Or, perhaps that was just me, very aware of a continuing warm sensation between my thighs. They all left soon after with hints of, stay in touch, and, we should do this again next time they are up this way, which as it happens they would be around Easter time. I wasn’t sure whether “this again” meant the chatting and drinks, or, the ‘other’ thing.

Once alone I lay on the sofa fixedly staring at the ceiling trying to piece together the evening, how A got to B, and B got to C, and C got to wherever it got to. It was still all too much. Janine came rattling back after a few hours, by which time it was close to dawn. She was grinning ear to ear and had that look about her which said probably what mine said, she too had also had a night of it, though for her it was just the one guy.

I dropped hints that maybe she’d set me up last night, but she didn’t take the bait. I decided, what does it matter, let sleeping dogs lie, what happens in a caravan stays in the caravan.

© Emmaleela


  1. LOL, it was a sturdy caravan, although the walls are definitely a bit thin. actually, now you mention it, maybe it has taken until now to recover 😆


  2. It sounds like the caravan was lucky to survive with all of that rampant fucking. I think as Christmas storage things go that is top of the list. Has it taken you until now to recover?

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